New features on NFT Cloud Controller
LigoWave is announcing a new software release for the Infinity products and the new features of the Infinity Cloud Controller.
New features for the Infinity Cloud Controller Include:
- Management VLAN configuration
- Traffic shaping per VAP
- An option allowing to move the device to another network
- An option to use native device auto-channel instead of controller based one
- Daily automatic firmware upgrades on schedule
- An option allowing to make a copy of network config
- System alerts (SNMP traps) configuration
- Ability to disable Ethernet LAN ports
- Device, network and user count limits to network groups
- Radio on/off scheduling
- Automatic firmware upgrade when available hidden feature
- Possibility to select if uploaded firmware will be visible to all users
- Ability to disable VAP for individual device
New features for the Infinity Soft release include:
- Added RF schedule
- Added CLI
See Infinity Controller release notes Visit Controller page Get NFT firmware