- Firmware v.6.95-2 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
LigoPTP UNITY v.6.95-2 版本中的变化
- Flash memory robustness against bad blocks improved.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.95-1 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.95-1 firmware release?
- Recovery-mode fix returned to firmware.
- Radar detection counter added to file.
- L3 QoS fixed for when data is encapsulated in VLAN and CoS=0 for PTP PRO.
- “wireless-mode” command fixed in CLI.
- “&” symbol issue fixed in WNMS heartbeat.
New revision no. 49663 of firmware v.6.95 fixes the following QoS problems on the PTP-5 PRO device:
- QoS does not work properly when VLAN is enabled on the radio.
- The lowest queue drops the packets when higher queues do not have traffic.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.95 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.95 firmware release?
- QoS support added to the LigoPTP-5 PRO firmware.
- Frequency hopping feature added – “Mitigate tidal fading”.
- Support of new frequency ranges added for PRO and UNITY devices: 4,780–6,300MHz.
- STP option added to LigoPTP-5 PRO.
- CLI improvements.
- Belgium regulatory rules updated.
- Brazil country code updated.
- tcpdump added to the LigoPTP-5 PRO firmware.
- The Ramoops log saves the first log only, ignoring the rest.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94-7 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94-7 firmware release?
- W-Jet management frame optimization.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94-6 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94-6 firmware release?
- TFTP recovery feature added to the LigoPTP-5 PRO firmware.
- Regulatory database for AT updated.
- Channel changing algorithm improved for the DFS event.
- The function that writes the output from a system crash onto the troubleshooting file added (LigoPTP-5 PRO).
- Wirelesses driver stability fixed for when changing the configuration.
- Tx power issue with Compliance Testing country code fixed.
- Recovery mode issues fixed.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94-4 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94-4 firmware release?
- “Exclusive OR” trunking algorithm added to LigoPTP UNITY.
- Regulatory database for GB, BE. and BH updated.
- Recovery algorithm improved.
- Unnecessary information removed from logs on LigoPTP UNITY.
- Input field issue with double “$$” symbol fixed.
- Real data rate report via SNMP fixed.
- Remote peer signal level report via SNMP fixed on Unity.
- Linktest issue on the LigoPTP UNITY fixed for when L2 packet aggregation is off.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94-3 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94-3 firmware release?
- A-MSDU control added to the GUI.
- Serial number representation added to the GUI.
- Frequency list bug fixed on LIGO-PTP UNITY.
- E-mail dispatch from integrated alerts fixed.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94-2 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94-2 firmware release?
- Improved aggregation algorithm on LigoPTP UNITY.
- High interference indication bar updated.
- Frequency limitation for Bahrain updated.
- Frequency limitation for New Zealand updated.
- Frequency limitation for Denmark updated.
- CLI command that shows the wireless peer on Slave fixed.
- The issue of CLI not listing instant changes made in the GUI fixed.
- Time saving fixed on LigoPTP UNITY.
- Signal level report per chain via SNMP fixed.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.94 will not allow users to downgrade to a version older than v.6.93.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.94 firmware release?
- Option to change SSH port added.
- Max data rate option added for auto-rate.
- WNMS test button added.
- Basic CLI commands added to configure radio.
- “Wireless link uptime” indication added.
- Robust link stability module added to the WJET protocol.
- Warning message added for indicating high interference.
- Option to select dBm or RSSI for antenna alignment added.
- [UNITY only] OLED improvement (shows radio board upgrade status) added.
- Scan time on Station mode improved.
- Auto-channel selection improved.
- Possibility to select MAC and IP fields in tables added.
- Do not show “Save&Apply” message added, if dreboot is enabled.
- Message handling in GUI improved for when changes are made.
- [UNITY only] “Firmware upgrade in progress” message removed on boot when there was no upgrade.
- [UNITY only] Management VLAN problem fixed.
- DFS kernel panic fixed.
Special notes
- Firmware v.6.93 will not allow users to downgrade to any older version.
- To see link statistics and signal levels, the firmware versions of both link devices must match.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO/UNITY v.6.93 firmware release?
- The option to change the HTTP port via the GUI added.
- Messages on link ID and link location change updated.
- Antenna gain input value validation added.
- Macedonia’s country code name changed from “FYR of Macedonia” to “Macedonia”.
- Special symbol handling in location at device name fields improved.
- Alertd’s information collected to the troubleshooting file added.
- Link test robustness improved.
- Auto-rate algorithm improved.
- Issues with the W-Jet Statistics display in the OLED fixed.
- MHz unit display fixed in the radio configuration page.
- Master reboot issues fixed for when changing radio parameters under high-traffic loads.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO v.6.92 firmware release?
- Noise immunity model added.
- Ethernet “Auto-negotiation” and “Fixed” speed control added.
- [PTP PRO only] Ethernet speed fall-back feature added.
- Togo and Costa Rica countries added to the regulatory DB.
- Statistics daemon improved.
- Firmware upgrade notification added to OLED.
- Time to indicate GUI link status reduced.
- RX statistics improved for Station mode.
- GUI usability issues improved for when configuring the management VLAN.
- Country code selection usability improved.
- Information about indoor/outdoor channels added.
- Length of the link ID name increased to 32 symbols.
- Messages to dmesg added for when radar is detected—DFS related.
- Frequency lists and transmit power for Chile, Germany, Indonesia, and Russia updated.
- Country name changed for code only. Fixes long country name display issues.
- Syslog rebooting issues fixed for when making instant changes.
- Discoveryd interface index-related issues fixed.
- Link distance estimation fixed.
- [PTP MIMO only] Lack of memory fixed when upgrading the firmware.
- [PTP MIMO only] “Not enough memory” issue fixed when upgrading.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO/PRO v.6.91 firmware release?
- Delayed reboot function added.
- Default TX power level changed to 25dBm.
- Improvements made to the W-Jet protocol to prevent the “stuck” problem.
- Maximum allowed Tx power conversion from W to dBm improved.
- CPU load indication improved.
- DFS fake radar detection reduced.
- Warning added regarding temporary wireless link suspension when generating the troubleshooting file.
- Link test results changed from Kbps to Mbps.
- Maximum TX power limits for Brazil updated.
- W-Jet Frames data rate graph fixed by removing misleading additional data rates.
- Upgrade problems fixed starting with v.6.77 when using Internet Explorer 9.
- GUI stability issues fixed.
- The issue of missing remote statistics fixed.
- Automatic OLED software recovery added.
- Statistics issues fixed.
- Incorrect channel frequency display in Site Survey fixed.
- Non-linear Tx power control fixed.
- Device lock fixed for when upgrading from v.5.77 with the DZ country code to new FW, which doesn’t have 5GHz channels for the DZ country code.
- Issues regarding the retrieval of the troubleshooting file on the Slave device when the Master device is missing fixed.
- wnmsd issue fixed for when downloading firmwares through HTTPS from *.wnmscloud.com.
- wnmsd issue fixed with Ethernet usage statistics.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.80 firmware release?
- New product support: LigoPTP-5 PRO.
- Traffic shaping added (limits the device’s outgoing traffic).
- Link distance estimation added (1km accuracy).
- Latency graph added.
- The ability to change the country code without resetting the device to its default settings.
- “Comply” changed to “Installer radio test mode” and moved to “Administration”. It allows users to control the DFS and the maximum transmit power.
- Modulation values added next to the data rates.
- Password restore logic changed from the backup configuration.
- Configurable auto-channel list.
- Currently used frequency ranges are shown.
- Frequency lists for India and Ukraine updated.
- SSID length limited to 31 symbols.
- Issues with the mail dispatch hanging and locking alertd fixed.
- Issues with NTP fixed for when disabling “Save last known time” and enabling the NTP server.
- False radar detection fixed, if DFS is enabled.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.78-1 firmware release?
- BA window size control added to the GUI for the Slave mode.
- The minimum transmit power is 0dbm.
- Issues regarding 20MHz/SISO low throughput fixed.
- Bug at fs/proc/generic.c:732 remove_proc_entry().
- Issues with LACP packet pass-through fixed.
- Issues with the GUI occasionally not starting the DHCP client fixed.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.78 firmware release?
- Vendor and distributor disclaimer appears after every reset to the default factory settings.
- Added CT (Compliance Testing) country code, which disables all regulatory limits.
- Formula to calculate the maximum EIRP added for Canada and USA in the 5,725–5,850MHz range.
- iPoll auto-tune enabled on the Master radio by default (Slave devices do not have “Tx queue length”).
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.77 firmware release?
- Reset tool support.
- Issues with the WNMS agent fixed for when it cannot retrieve the IP address, if the device’s management is over VLAN.
- WNMS validation URL with an additional port fixed.
- XML symbol “<” and “>” validation in entry fields fixed.
- “last known” remote statistics removed from the status page when the peer disconnects.
- Remote IP address renewed on the W-Jet statistics table when the remote IP was changed.
- Issues with the linktest not returning any results fixed.
- Bridge MAC problem fixed for when it changes due to disconnected peers.
- Issues regarding the SSID getting lost once Site Survey and Spectrum Analyzer are started were fixed: the Slave device was not able to connect to the last known Master device.
- Issues regarding the device being out of memory fixed—it does not allow users to upgrade to a newer firmware.
- Signal bar display time extended for linktest.
- With some Linux browsers and Firefox, uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug).
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.76-2 firmware release?
- Remote stats issue fixed (no remote IP and MAC).
- Issues with the linktest providing incorrect loss calculations for the Slave radio fixed.
- Issues with the upgrade from 6.75 (and older) with management VLANs fixed.
- Uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug) with some Linux browsers and Firefox.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.76 firmware release?
- Adaptive modulation (auto-rate).
- Auto W-Jet Rx frame timeout estimation.
- Smart auto-channel.
- Automatic Tx power control (ATPC).
- Minor GUI text changes.
- Improved Spectrum Analyzer usability: better frequency graduation.
- “Ethernet” and “Managament VLAN” settings divided into two sections.
- Username change field added to the GUI.
- Compliance regulation usability improved.
- List of permitted frequencies for France updated.
- Uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug) with some Linux browsers and Firefox.
Instructions on how to upgrade LigoPTP MiMo 5-23 and 5-N equipment from v.6.5x to v.6.75:
- 1. Before upgrading, select a static data rate, e.g. 180Mbps, and press “Save”.
- 2. Upload the new firmware image to the remote unit first and begin the upgrade; then start the upgrade on the local unit.
- 3. Open radio settings on the Master unit. Move the Transmit queue length slider back, then forward, so that the Rx frame timeout could be recalculated for the new software.
- 4. Press Save on both units and reboot them.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.75 firmware release?
- Option to set antenna gain in the GUI for N type products added.
- GUI usability improved, allowing users to instantly change all settings.
- Statistics counters are reset on association.
- Checkbox to ignore or keep regulatory Tx power limitations added.
- Worldwide regulatory domain database updated (frequency and Tx power limitations for each country).
- Spectrum Analyzer usability improved: better frequency graduation.
- Manual date setting issues fixed.
- Management VLAN issue in the DHCP network mode fixed.
- Automatic data rate is not supported.
- Uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug) with some Linux browsers and Firefox.
Instructions on how to upgrade LigoPTP MiMo 5-23 and 5-N equipment from v.6.5x to v.6.71:
- 1. Before upgrading, select a static data rate, e.g. 180Mbps, and press “Save”.
- 2. Upload the new firmware image to the remote unit first and begin the upgrade; then start the upgrade on the local unit.
- 3. Open radio settings on the Master unit. Move the Transmit queue length slider back, then forward, so that the Rx frame timeout could be recalculated for the new software.
- 4. Press Save on both units and reboot them.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.71 firmware release?
- Physical Spectrum Analyzer tool added.
- Rastats device troubleshooting tool added. Available in CLI/Shell only.
- Automatic data rate is not supported.
- Uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug) with some Linux browsers and Firefox.
Instructions on how to upgrade LigoPTP MiMo 5-23 and 5-N equipment from v.6.5x to v.6.75:
- 1. Before upgrading, select a static data rate, e.g. 180Mbps, and press “Save”.
- 2. Upload the new firmware image to the remote unit first and begin the upgrade; then start the upgrade on the local unit.
- 3. Open radio settings on the Master unit. Move the Transmit queue length slider back, then forward, so that the Rx frame timeout could be recalculated for the new software.
- 4. Press Save on both units and reboot them.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.70 firmware release?
- Added a new W-Jet MIMO 2 protocol, which:
- – Eliminates distance limitation. 100km or even larger links are possible (requires additional high gain antennas).
- – Improves latency.
- – Improves throughput in noisy environments.
- – Adds additional statistics allowing easier link monitoring and configuration.
- Rx statistics fixed. W-Jet MIMO 2 management packets are appended to the received data packet count.
- Remote stats daemon memory usage issues fixed.
- SNMP trap enterprise ID issue fixed.
- SNMP trap sysUpTime issue fixed.
- Automatic data rate is not supported.
- Uploading the configuration file may be problematic (flash bug) with some Linux browsers and Firefox.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.53 firmware release?
- W-Jet parameter control added to the GUI.
- PA/LNA turning on/off synchronization fixed. Switching on PA too early, while LNA is still on, was the cause of a bad spectrum at the antenna connectors.
- Site Survey scan improved.
- Decreased throughput issue upon channel change fixed.
- Issues with setting some of the non-standard frequencies (5,165, 5,170, 5,175, 5,840, 5,890, 5,895 5,850, 5,900, 5,905, 5,910, 5,915) fixed.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.53 firmware release?
- Maximum pass-trough packet size increased to 1,800 bytes.
- Frequency range limitations via product file added.
- Supported frequency range expanded (4,920–5,915MHz).
- Device hang up on boot up or reboot, if the device is connected to the same switch that passes through a multicast stream, fixed.
- Issues with showing local-remote statistics fixed.
- DNS configuration issues fixed.
- Frequency listing order fixed.
- OLED malfunction, if the PIN code is enabled, fixed.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.51 firmware release?
- Link throughput improved.
- Site Survey scanning improved.
- Link reestablishment problem fixed (client does not associate to the Master device) for when the country code is changed using instant changes.
- Site Survey results fixed. The Master device was reporting that other APs are on the channel, if there was no channel IE in the beacon.
- Timing issues fixed for when the user initiates reboot. The user was redirected to a device too quickly after activating reboot.
- WNMS agent issue with missed Ethernet status changes fixed.
- WNMS agent issue reporting –256dBm signal level after reboot fixed.
What’s new in the LigoPTP 5 MIMO v.6.50 firmware release?
New wireless bridge firmware, based on Wi-Fi technology, allows users to achieve maximum throughput, range, and reliability for long distance networks. The break-through proprietary MAC protocol modifications named WJET MIMO enable superior performance and reliable connections for point-to-point data traffic.
Firmware highlights
- Proprietary WJET MIMO protocol.
- 5MHz frequency selection step.
- Channel widths: 20MHz and 40MHz.