Solution for Improved Wireless Broadband Communications between two Thailand districts



LigoPTP 5-N PRO was provided to KHAM in Thailand. A 107 km link was deployed over sea by using the N-connectorized version of LigoPTP 5-N PRO product coupled with 36 dBi dish antenna from Lanbowan. The approx. height of the towers was 36 meters and 60 meters respectively. This was one of the first places where tidal mitigation algorithm was tested. Signal fading is a common issue for the links which are installed over seas or in places with high rain rate probability. Due to the tidal fading effect those links constantly have effect of signal decrease and increase during recurrent time periods. These events, which were arbitrarily defined as having fades relative to free space powers in excess of 20 dB for durations of 2 hours or more, are believed to be generally due to extreme subrefractive conditions. By using tidal mitagation algorithm which was implemented in the used firmware, the LigoPTP was able to avoid such effects. For more details check LigoPTP Wiki page.
The results were stable and impressive, since the minimal required throughput was 20 Mbps while the aquired throughput reached 80 Mbps. The following pages contain a LigoWave LinkCalc path analysis with satellite map illustration as well as throughput achieved over the link.
